Not a thing that I’ve seen will do
So I’ll give you my heart and my own true love
That will last the whole year through.
Sunday Homilies & Reflections for Seekers of God's Kingdom
Embracing the Jubilee Spirit for 2025. The Jubilee is a time of
liberation and hope, echoing the ancient Jewish practice where every fiftieth
year was proclaimed a time of forgiveness and freedom. This year, we are called
to embrace this spirit of hope as we aspire for our own restoration and healing
as a people. For many Filipinos, the weight of economic challenges, political
turmoil, natural calamities owing to climate crisis, and social injustices can
be overwhelming. From the struggles against poverty and unemployment to the
cries for justice from victims of violence, we badly need our anchor of hope to
offer us a sense of stability and security as we struggle in our journey.
Mary, as the Mother of God,
embodies hope and resilience. Her acceptance of God’s plan reminds us that even
in our darkest moments, there is a glimmer of hope. Jesus, her Son, is our
anchor amidst this turbulent time. This year, let us embrace the Jubilee spirit
by acknowledging our own burdens and calling for communal healing. How can we,
inspired by Mary, actively contribute to lightening the load of our neighbors?
Whether through acts of compassion, solidarity in our communities, or advocacy
for systemic change, each of us plays a role in fostering a spirit of renewal
and hope.
Forgiveness as a Path to Peace. Forgiveness is crucial to healing
the deep divisions in our society. In the Philippines, where we experience on-going
cycles of conflict—be it between communities, within families, or against the
backdrop of political strife—approaching one another with a spirit of
forgiveness can be revolutionary. In his message for the World Day of Peace 2025,
“Forgive us our Trespasses; Grant us Your Peace,” Pope Francis emphasizes that
forgiveness is not an easy act but is essential for our collective peace.
Consider the wounds inflicted by
violence and injustice, such as those faced by families who have lost loved
ones to extrajudicial killings, or those who bear the scars of historic
injustices and discrimination. Forgiveness does not dismiss the pain but allows
for transformation. Mary, Mother of God, brought Jesus to the world whose
entire life had shown the power of forgiveness to bring healing and
reconciliation. As we enter the New Year, we are invited to ask ourselves: Who
do we need to forgive in our hearts? How can we foster peace in our
communities? By prioritizing reconciliation over resentment, we contribute to
the healing of a fractured society.
Pope Francis’ Three Proposals. Let us also reflect on Pope Francis’
three proposals for building a more just and compassionate world, which
resonate deeply within our Philippine context:
Debt Forgiveness: The Pope calls
for the cancellation of international debts that threaten the future of many
nations, particularly in the global South. In the Philippines, where many
families struggle under the weight of poverty and economic instability,
advocating for debt forgiveness is a crucial step toward justice and equity. We
must work towards policies that alleviate the burden of debt and promote
sustainable development.
Respect for Life: Upholding the
sanctity of life is paramount. In a society where violence and injustice are
prevalent, we are called to be champions of life. This includes advocating for
the abolition of the death penalty still in place in some societies and correcting
this culture of extra-judicial killings which undermines the hope for
rehabilitation and forgiveness. We must strive to create a culture that values
every life and offers hope for a better future.
Redirecting Resources for Peace:
The Pope urges the international community to redirect funds from war expenditures
to initiatives that combat hunger and promote education. In the Philippines,
where many children go hungry and lack access to quality education, we must
advocate for a shift in priorities that invests in our youth and communities.
By supporting programs that promote peace and development, we can help build a
brighter future.
As we celebrate this New Year and
the Feast of Mary, Mother of God, let us carry these reflections in our hearts.
May we embrace the Jubilee spirit filled with hope, commit ourselves to the
path of forgiveness, and actively engage with the Pope’s proposals for a more
just and peaceful Society. Let us follow the example of Mary, who teaches us to
trust in God’s plan and to be vessels of peace in a world that so desperately
needs it. Amen.
Hope in the Fidelity of God to Fulfill His Promises. The Christmas story is a poignant reminder of God's unwavering faithfulness. The birth of Jesus in Bethlehem fulfills the prophecies declared by the prophets centuries before. In Micah 5:2, we read, "But you, Bethlehem, Ephrata, though you are small among the clans of Judah, out of you will come for me one who will be ruler over Israel, whose origins are from of old, from ancient times.” Here, we see that God's plan was set in motion long before Jesus' birth.
Just as He delivered His promise to the people of Israel, God continues to fulfill His promises to us today. In our personal lives, we encounter moments of waiting and uncertainty, but we must trust that God is at work, shaping our paths according to His divine will.
Reflecting on this fidelity, let us find confidence and strength in our own waiting, knowing that just as He fulfilled His promises to the shepherds and to Mary, He remains faithful to us. This Christmas, recommit yourself to hope, for God is faithful!
Hope in God's Preferential Love for the Poor and Marginalized. The circumstances surrounding Christ's birth further reveal God's heart for the poor and marginalized. Jesus was born in a stable, placed in a manger. This humble birth profoundly signifies that God identifies with the least among us. The shepherds, often regarded as outcasts, were the first recipients of the angel's message of great joy: "Do not be afraid. I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people" (Luke 2:10).
Pope Francis beautifully expresses this reality in Spes non confundit (paragraph 4), stating, "It is difficult to imagine that God would disregard those who are suffering." When we embrace the story of Christmas, we see that it reflects God's preferential option for the vulnerable. In Matthew 25:40, Jesus later proclaims in his ministry, "Whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me."
This is an invitation for each of us to reach out to those in need in our communities. As we celebrate Christmas, let us reflect on how we can live out this love and compassion in our daily lives, shining the light of hope to those who feel forgotten and marginalized.
Hope in a People Embracing and Sharing the Joy of the Gospel. Finally, we are invited to become bearers of joy and hope—a joy that stems from an encounter with Christ. The shepherds, after visiting Jesus, returned glorifying and praising God for all they had seen and heard (Luke 2:20). Their response serves as a model for us today.
Again, the Holy Father reminds us in his message for the Jubilee Year of Hope: "The Christian message is one of hope. Hope for the poor, for those who suffer, and for a world that is waiting for freedom"(par. 5) ). We are called to embody that hope by sharing the joy of the Gospel with others. The world needs our witness now more than ever—people filled with the joy that comes from knowing Jesus.
As we enter the Jubilee Year 2025, let us embrace this festive spirit and commit to spreading hope. Just as the shepherds returned transformed, we, too, can go forth rejoicing and inviting others into the light of Christ. Our actions, our words, our very lives can become instruments of God's hope in a world that longs for peace, justice, and love.
As we celebrate this Holy Night, may we be renewed in our faith, bolstered by hope. Let there be hope in our hearts for God's fidelity, hope in His love for the marginalized, and hope in our mission to share the joy of the Gospel. In the words of Pope Francis, "Let us not allow our hope to be extinguished! Let us instead open our hearts and reach out to those in need, for in that, we encounter Christ Himself" (par. 6).