This year's celebration of the Feast of Santo Niño brings hope to our communities as we journey
together through this holy year of the jubilee. As "Pilgrims of Hope," we are invited to carry on with both the spirit of joy and the courage to face the challenges of our time-- including the lingering effects of natural disasters due to climate change, the on-going battle against poverty , political uncertainty, and the impact of health crises. These struggles certainly weigh heavily on our hearts. But we should not be disheartened. In the face of these adversities, we are called to embody the childlike faith that Santo Niño represents, urging us to reflect on our journey as "pilgrims of hope" in the light of the gospel reading (Lk 2:41-52). We are invited to seek the Lord, to be in the Father's house, and to grow in faith.
Seeking the Lord. In the Gospel, Mary and Joseph travel to Jerusalem for the Passover festival and realize that Jesus is missing. They searched diligently for three days before finding Him in the temple, engaging in deep discussions. This narrative emphasizes the importance of seeking the Lord, especially in times of uncertainty. If we do not have the Lord in our midst, it can be disconcerting. If the Lord is missing in our daily lives, in our family and community life, we can all end up fragmented. If the Lord is not in the consciousness of our political leaders, governance is all about their vested interest and nothing more. If the Lord is not seen in the sanctity of creation, we continue to abuse it.
As pilgrims of hope, we must ask ourselves: How diligently do we seek the Lord? Our devotion to Santo Niño inspires us to pursue a deeper relationship with God, just as Mary and Joseph sought their Son. As we face all the challenges of our time, we are reminded that our true refuge lies in the Lord. Jesus is our anchor of hope amidst the storms and rough waves we are facing. Allow the devotion to the Santo Niño to encourage each one of us to turn to prayer, to seek God's guidance, and dwell in His presence amid our struggles.
Being in the Father's House. When Mary and Joseph find Jesus, He is in the temple, astonishing everyone with His wisdom. Jesus asks them, "Why were you searching for me? Didn't you know I had to be in my Father's house?" (Luke 2:49). This statement reveals that even as a child, Jesus understood His mission and purpose. To be in the Father's house means to be concerned about the Father's business.
As pilgrims, we journey towards the Father's house. This means that we are called to align our lives with God's business, His divine plan. For us now, being in the Father's house means living in accordance with our God-given purpose and mission, filled with hope. Our devotion to the Santo Niño invites us to discern God's will in our lives, to act in obedience, and to engage actively in the work of the Kingdom.
What is my mission in life? What does the Father send me for? This is an essential question for a meaningful life. May our journey here on earth lead to the house of the Father. And may we always strive to be faithful stewards of our calling, embodying the obedience and commitment that the Santo Niño represents.
Growing in Faith, Hope, and Love. The Gospel concludes with, "And Jesus increased in wisdom and in stature, and in favor with God and man" (Luke 2:52). The child Jesus grew. This growth reminds us that our journey as pilgrims of hope is also one of continual growth in faith. It invites us to consider our own faith journeys—growing not only in our personal needs but also expanding beyond ourselves to embrace a broader view of our calling as Christians.
Like the child Jesus, we are called to mature in our faith. In the early stages, our faith often centers on personal concerns—our needs, our struggles, and our desires. However, as we continue to grow, we are encouraged to shift our focus from self to service. This transformation leads us to a missionary faith that reaches out into the world, responding to the social challenges that beset our communities.
As we grow in faith, we may transform our personal struggles into motivations for service, extending our hands and hearts to those who face hardships. Our devotion to Santo Niño calls us to be active witnesses of hope, bridging the gap between our faith and the pressing social issues of our time. In doing so, we become true instruments of God's love in our communities, carrying forward the message of Santo Niño as servants of compassion and agents of change.
With so much hope in our hearts, we celebrate the Feast of Santo Niño today. Let us renew our commitment in our journey to seek the Lord, our anchor of hope, to be in the Father's house doing what He has commanded us to do, and to grow in faith, hope, and love as we all face the struggles of our communities. May our devotion to the Holy Child inspire us to be pilgrims of hope, transforming our struggles into stories of resilience and triumph.