Jun 9, 2024

Hope of Redemption (10th Sunday Ordinary B)

The readings for today remind us that disobedience leads to separation from God, while, conversely, obedience reconciles us to God and unites us into the bond of God's spiritual family.

Reality of Sin and Hope of Redemption. In the first reading from the book of Genesis (Gn. 3:9-15), we are reminded of the reality of sin, its alienating consequence, and also, of the hope of redemption. Since the disobedience of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, humanity has been plagued by sin and its consequences having been cast out of God's abundant and beautiful abode. However, in the midst of this darkness, God promises us a Savior who will come to crush the head of the serpent, defeating it and bringing the hope of redemption and reconciliation. This hope of redemption points to Jesus. 

Our Redemption in Jesus. The Gospel of Mark (Mk 3:20-35) in today's reading calls for our faith in Jesus who is the true victor, as has been foretold, over the power of evil and sin. In verses 24-30, Jesus refutes the accusation of the scribes that He was casting out demons by the power of Beelzebul. Jesus exposes the absurdity of this accusation by explaining that a kingdom divided against itself cannot stand. He argues that Satan could not cast out his own because he would not wish to divide and destroy his kingdom. Hence, Jesus asserts that it is by the power of the Holy Spirit that he is able to cast out demons demonstrating that the reign of God has come upon them. And He warns them of the unforgivable consequence of blasphemy against the Holy Spirit. 

By refuting the accusation of the scribes and demonstrating the power of the Holy Spirit at work in Him, Jesus reveals His authority over the forces of evil and darkness. This incident highlights the triumph of Jesus over the evil one. Indeed, Jesus is our powerful Savior. He is our redemption.

Obedience to God's will. If humanity's disobedience has caused our separation from God and ushered in the reign of evil and sin in our lives, then obedience to God's will bring reconciliation. 

The Gospel reading concludes with Jesus demonstrating about the importance of obedience to God as the basis for us to belong to His family. When Jesus is told that His mother and brothers are outside looking for Him, He responds by saying, "Who are my mother and my brothers?" He then looks around at those seated in a circle around Him and says, "Here are my mother and my brothers! Whoever does God's will is my brother and sister and mother" (vv. 32-35).

In this passage, Jesus expands the concept of family beyond a biological relationship to a spiritual one based on obedience to God's will. Jesus is emphasizing that true kinship with Him is not defined by blood relations but by a shared commitment to following the Father's will. Those who align themselves with God's will become part of Jesus' spiritual family. 

Brothers and sisters, do you align your plans, your thoughts, your values, your actions-- in short, your will to God's will? What do you think of today's generation? Have we taken to heart this realization that obedience to God brings reconciliation with Him? 

God wills that we love one another. But why do we continue waging war with one another? Creating weapons that bring mass destruction? Why do we trample upon the small, the weak, and the powerless among us? 

God enjoined us to take care of creation, our common home. What have we done? Why are we destroying it? 

God wills that we have strong and stable families to sustain the fabric that makes up our societies by instituting marriage as an indissoluble bond and covenant. Why are we now crafting this human law of divorce that will change the nature of marriage to a mere contract that expires? 

When are we going to learn that every time we disobey God we are heading to destruction?! 

Brothers and sisters, this is today's message and invitation: May we be aware of the reality of sin and its alienating consequences as we disobey God's will. But more than that awareness should be our hope of redemption in Christ who has been victorious over the power of evil and sin and has shown us how our obedience to God reverses the alienation wrought by sin and unites us all as one true family of God.

May we not doubt the power and authority of Jesus over evil, and may our faith in Him lead us to obedience to the Father making us true members of God's family walking together along the path of redemption paved by Jesus our Savior.

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