Jul 19, 2009

A Lonely Place (16th Sunday B)

Spa centers are proliferating in our cities. People go there to give themselves a break from their hectic daily schedule. Life today is becoming more and more stressful. A cozy spa promises to offer the much needed relaxation. "Pamper yourself," a spa ads goes. It's appealing to a tired and stressed people.

Jesus was also aware of the apostles' need to rest. "Come away by yourselves to a deserted place and rest a while" (Mk. 6:31). This he enjoined his apostles as they came back from their mission. How consoling these words are for someone who's been committed to the work of God's Kingdom and for those concerned for the betterment of humanity. The work can be tiring. Replete with pain and sacrifices... as this is the cross we have committed to carry. Suddenly the Lord does not mention the cross. This time He sends invitation to REST in a deserted place. The Lord knows we can get tired and we need to R... E... S... T...

I don't know if the spa really satisfies the fatigue that we feel. But the Lord's 'deserted place' truly can. In that place where He invites us we truly find R... E... S... T...

Renewal. Evaluation. Silence. Thanksgiving.

Renewal. Our deserted place is a place of renewal. A place that energizes us for the mission. As we emerge from the place, we obtain new zeal, new strength to continue facing life's struggles and mission.

Evaluation. Coming away to a lonely place also offers time to look back and examine the direction we have taken, the soundness of the decisions made, the goals set to be pursued. We check if these are still in consonance to God's will.

Silence. The lonely place is a place where we are not alone. For God is there to meet us. Only in silence that we allow ourselves to be sensitive to God's presence. In silence, we can relish the warmth of God's love that we otherwise do not notice in the heart of our busy life.

Thanksgiving. When we are renewed, when we have examined ourselves and our decisions, when we are bathed in the reassuring love of God, we find our hearts filled with gratitude. and from the fullness of heart, the mouth utters a thankgiving to God.

So, where is that 'deserted place' for you and for me? Should we not then make it a point to meet the Lord there when we need to R... E... S... T... ?

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